MyBiotin® - Hair, Skin & Nails Formula – 30 Caps

Thicker Hair Starting In 3 Weeks*
If you're like the millions of people looking for that "magic" ingredient for thicker hair and fewer wrinkles, odds are you've tried biotin. Now, maybe you've had some good results... And maybe you haven't. That's because the science on ordinary biotin is unclear. Sure, if you have a biotin deficiency, then supplementing with regular biotin might be helpful. But most people are not biotin deficient, which means that "hair, skin & nails" formula you bought probably ended up in the garbage.
But what if there was a biotin formula that left ordinary biotin in the dust? A new form of biotin that has been shown to conclusively that it can promote hair thickness (on your scalp), along with more vibrant, smoother skin? A biotin that works — that you'll want to use every day...

As you get older, you may find yourself wanting to maintain thicker hair.
It's called MyBiotin® — and we guarantee that starting in just 3 weeks, you will see a more beautiful you in the mirror... A more beautiful you that builds over time with up to 20% thicker hair and less fine lines & wrinkles than you had a few years ago!*
What Is The MyBiotin® Beauty Secret?
First off, let's get one thing out in the open: thinning hair is inevitable for nearly everyone. In fact, 50% of women have concerns about thinning hair by the age of 50.
But it doesn't have to be that way — thanks to MyBiotin®.
MyBiotin® is a patented and clinically studied NEW form of biotin that combines Magnesium Biotinate with Arginine Silicate, two ingredients that may be hard to pronounce but absolutely deliver amazing results when bonded together.
We call this unique biotin matrix MB40X™. Why MB40X™? Because this combination of ingredients is 40X more soluble than ordinary biotin.

Beautiful Results You Will See and Feel
Ultimately, the proof of how MyBiotin® works will show up in your mirror — and in how many heads you turn.
But there is also a lot of clinical data to back up what MyBiotin® can do for you.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, scientists put the MB40X™ matrix to the test — looking at how it would affect hair thickness, hair density, facial wrinkle depth, and facial skin texture.
And while bragging might be unseemly at times — some might even call it "vanity" — the test results are something to get excited about!
In all, here is what 40X more biotin solubility can deliver:

- Increased hair thickness in as few as 3 weeks*
- Up to 20% thicker hair by week 12*
- Reduced facial wrinkle depth*
- Improved skin texture*
- Fewer fine lines & wrinkles*
- Improved skin elasticity (that's how plump, pliable, and "tight" your skin looks & feels)*
We know you've heard these claims about biotin before. And yes, that is based on what biotin does for your body. After all, biotin is the essential B-Vitamin building the proteins your body transforms into hair, skin, and nails — including keratin (the main structural component of your beautiful hair and strong nails) and body tissue (which turns into amazing looking skin).*
But ordinary biotin does not show the results that MyBiotin® does.
So put aside your old "hair, skin & nails" formula — and say hello to a more beautiful, vibrant, and vital you with MyBiotin®.

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