60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Cancellation Policy - Customers may cancel an order by calling 1-888-769-7873. If a cancellation is requested after an order has shipped, the package must be returned for refund, as per our Refund Policy.

Refund Policy - Refunds cheerfully provided on all bottles returned within 60 days. To obtain a return authorization please call Customer Care at 1-888-769-7873. Customer assumes all shipping costs.

Bulk Order Refund Policy - Bulk orders of 12 or more bottles are subject to a 15% processing fee if returned (unopened) and in perfect condition within 60 days. Always store bottles properly in a cool, dark, dry place and inspect all bottles upon receipt.

To ensure proper crediting of your account in an expedited manner, a return authorization code is required for all returned merchandise. It's easy to get one. Just call our Customer Care department at 1-888-769-7873 and you will receive it right away. Include your return authorization number with the merchandise you are returning.

All returns should be sent to:

Purity Products
Returns Department
200 Terminal Drive
Plainview NY, 11803

Returns without a valid return authorization are subject to a $10.00 processing fee.
